Yakuza 0 Review

Source- https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/810MJ9frzIL._SX342_.jpg

The Yakuza series or called in Japan as Ryu no Gotoku is a long running game series first released on the PlayStation 2 way back in 2005, although it was extremely popular in Japan, it didn't make its way to the Western Audience till around the 3rd to 4th game and even then not many people wanted to jump in randomly in the middle. Now that has all changed with the release of the prequel to the whole series Yakuza 0 on the PS4.
Yakuza 0 is an action-adventure game set in 1988 Japan in 2 small towns. You are able to control two characters throughout the game progressing through their own individual stories which all links together towards the end. This game is very story heavy and a lot of you time will be spent reading through dialogue or watching through the cut-scenes. The quality of the animation and voice-acting really immerses you in the story and you are always left wanting more.

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The Combat is also a major part of what makes this game so great, there is a variety of styles to unlock and you can upgrade those styles by spending money as you progress through the story. The combat really does not hold back in its brutality, allowing you to use bikes, store signs, bricks etc to smash your opponents. There are also unique boss battles, usually at the end of each chapter and the soundtracks and cutscenes that go along with it makes them epic encounters.

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In summary, fans of this series should definitely be picking this up and it is a perfect time for newcomers to come in as well. With the upcoming re-release of the first Yakuza game and the 6th game next year ,there is no better time to hop in!

Final Rating- 8.5/10

Where to buy-

or A digital copy


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